Blessed Eastertide! What a glorious, springy Easter we had this year! It reminded me of photos we took when I was a child, in our Easter dresses by the daffodils and crocuses in our front yard. I grew up in a church that didn't make much of Easter, but since becoming an Anglican it's become more and more meaningful to me every year. Everyone always seems to be trying to find new ways to experience things like Easter in a meaningful way, but we don't need to reinvent the wheel. The work has already been done for us; it's all there in the liturgy and the church calendar, the great tradition of two millennia of faith. We just need to step into the river and get caught in the current.
We made pysanky again this year. I was really inspired by some lenten pysanka I saw on pinterest, and I ordered a real egg blower, so we were able to save them this year (I got this one, that's where I order all my pysanky supplies).
For the second year in a row I made hot cross buns for a treat on Good Friday (I won't link the recipe, since I wasn't that impressed with it). I was excited because I had planned ahead adequately to have them done in plenty of time to enjoy after getting home from the Good Friday service, but for some reason we decided we would try to keep the kids busy during the service by plying them with tons of snacks (which didn't work, by the way), and by the time we got home they were already groaning from snack overdose. Thanks God, for the mini lesson on surrendering control and the futility of our perfectly laid plans. I realize most people do not have control issues concerning baked goods. Apparently I am not most people.
The dress was for Indy, a modified pattern from this book. The fabric is a linen/cotton blend that I bought on clearance ages ago, with a linen collar. Of course I didn't measure her and the dress turned out much too big. It will probably fit her when she's ten, though she still insists on wearing it now.
Also, we're selling our house. We have been considering selling for a few months, and I think God finally made it clear to us that it was time. It's bittersweet; we have loved this house, but we always knew we wouldn't stay forever and we're excited for the adventure of what is to come. We will be staying with my husband's parents until we find the next thing. Please pray for us during this transition!